OT Travel Itinerary: All You Need To Know Before Visiting Alpather Lake

This picturesque lake in Gulmarg is nestled among mountains, meadows and valleys which come alive during the summer
Alpather Lake starts to melt in April
Alpather Lake starts to melt in AprilSahid Vaidya/Wikimedia Commons

Alpather Lake in Gulmarg lies at 4,390m above sea level on the foothills of the Apharwat Peak. It’s a small, pretty lake surrounded by mighty mountains, pleasant meadows and gorgeous flowers during the summer. It freezes over from November to mid-June, hence its nickname of “Frozen Lake.” It comes as no surprise then that ice skating is a popular activity during this time.

A trek to the lake takes a day to complete. The 13km route starts from Gulmarg and continues to Khilanmarg and the Apharwat Ridge before reaching Alpather Lake. During the summer, the lake attracts nature lovers and photographers as the scenic vistas of flowering trees and stunning valley views attract people in search of a serene and mesmerising atmosphere. Camping near the lake is prohibited due to the sensitive military nature of the area.

Camping near Alpather Lake is prohibited due to the sensitive military nature of the area
Camping near Alpather Lake is prohibited due to the sensitive military nature of the areaShdaab_Clicks/Shutterstock.com

If you plan to undertake the trek soon, here's what you can expect.

1. Start early in the day as the trek ranges from an easy to moderately difficult climb. Carry a reusable water bottle, snacks and a first-aid kit.

The twin peaks of Apharwat with the gondola lift in the foreground
The twin peaks of Apharwat with the gondola lift in the foregroundAmit kg/Shutterstock.com

2. Take a gondola lift to Phase 2.

3. Start walking to your right until you see a road winding its way through the hills. Keep going upwards to Apharwat Peak, a distance of about 1.5km.

The Pir Panjal range as seen from Apharwat Peak
The Pir Panjal range as seen from Apharwat PeakAmit kg/Shutterstock.com

4. Once you reach the top the lake is just on the other side.

5. Climb down to Alpather Lake.

Gulmarg is a visual feast in the summer months
Gulmarg is a visual feast in the summer monthsPranshu_Goyal/Shutterstock.com

Getting There

There are guides available to help you reach Alpather Lake so negotiate a price with them if you need to. Tourists can also hop onto a pony to take them to the lake from Phase 2.

To reach Gulmarg take a bus or taxi from Srinagar International Airport (56km) or Jammu Tawi Railway Station (298km). There are plenty of buses and taxies which ply the route to Gulmarg from Srinagar, Sonmarg and other cities of Jammu and Kashmir.

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