These Are The Happiest Places in the World

Here's a look at some of the happiest countries in the world
A community lunch in Helsinki, Finland
A community lunch in Helsinki, Finland
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5 min read

It's in the news again&mdashThe World Happiness&nbspReport is out. It ranks global happiness in more than 150 countries around the world. And Finland is once again the happiest country of the world. For the sixth year in a row.

Overseen by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the report is released every year in honor of the International Day of Happiness on March 20. Sponsored by the UN and conducted by the data company Gallup,&nbspthe ranking of the countries is based on data from sources that leverage six key factors social support, income, health, freedom, generosity and absence of corruption.

Once again, Nordic countries made it to the top ten, corroborating the long-held notion about the umcompromisable values of happiness and social well-being associated with this part of the world.

In India, while some of us have already added the top ten to our travel bucket lists (it's a shocker if you didn't have them there already), others are concerned about our rank India is depressingly placed at the 136th spot in a list that has 146 nations.

Here's looking at the creme de la creme this year through a series of photographs. Our selections do not claim to mirror the said countries and cultures comprehensively, but show you a few facets of why they made the list.

1. Finland

That Finland took the top spot wasn't really a shocker the country has always been known for its "measures of mutual trust" and overall sense of satisfaction and security. And who can forget the unofficial pastime-cum-sport stand-up paddleboarding

2. Denmark

Just some 30 hours of work a week is enough to shut up and accept the fact that Denmark is indeed one of the finest places to live. But throw in a decent minimum wage, free university education and access to medical care. 

3. Switzerland

To most Indians, Switzerland is three things&mdashYash Chopra's movies, a prestigious title for every scenic place in our own country, and the home of banks hoarding the black money of our corrupt. However, among the factors that make the Swiss the happiest people in the world are a great bond with nature (nature conservation is central to the Swiss idea of life), mandatory enlistment, access to a healthy lifestyle, cheese and chocolate, and ... Roger Federer

4. Iceland 

Sure, Iceland publishes the most books in the entire world. They even have a thing for it&mdashjolabokaflod refers to Christmas book flood, a Yuletide tradition when book publication is an all-time high. It's not rare to come across music bands playing in the streets either. But it's really a shared assurance and high trust levels that have kept Icelanders happy for generations. And no, we are not forgetting harkl

5. The Netherlands

It has to be said&mdashwhich country in the world where the rich aren't afraid to or insecure about travelling via public transport, would be unhappy 

6. Norway

Well, Norway has the answer to Denmark's hygge. It's called koselig, and it means a sense of cosiness and feeling one with nature and in the company of others. A shared love for omfort food, lots of walks in nature, and a strong sense of democracy and diversity, and you've got a surefire cocktail for bliss. Can you disagree 

7. Sweden

Forgive us for saying this but the whole of Scandinavia can be one big country, going by the kind of values they share and the overall feeling of common well-being and trust that they insist on fostering. Again, great work-life balance, free healthcare, lots of scenery, and all of the great things it is known for in the world, from its music, the Ice Hotel in the Lapland, and of course, IKEA and H&ampM.

8. Luxembourg

They often say it's easy for Luxembourg to be happy, and we don't really disagree. It's roads are full of the swankiest wheels, it's cityscapes are among Europe's most gorgeous and it ranks real high on GDP. Luxembourg also produces exquisite wines. The country has three official languages, culinary influences from Germany and France, and they boast of the first-ever PM to marry a same-sex partner. 

9. New Zealand

After its superb handling of the pandemic, the only question is&mdashwhy is New Zealand, the only non-European country in the top ten, not higher up New Zealanders have always been known for their sense of social and personal resilience. Former PM Jacinda Ardern is one of the world's best-liked leaders, and the country is a shining example of the kind of diversity and acceptance the modern world must be pursuing.

10. Austria

Again, Austria happens to be a country with one of the highest standards of living. They are known for their close relationship with nature and the great outdoors. The Austrian wine region yields some of the finest wines of the world&mdashwhich is certainly a big factor. 

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