Unlimited Wi-Fi on most Emirates flights

Unlimited Wi-Fi on most Emirates flights

From 10MB data now given free on some flights, Emirates plans to offer unlimited Wi-Fi to travellers
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Most of the Emirates flights are equipped with Wi-Fi wherein travellers get first 10MB of data without any charge. The passengers are quite happy with this service as it lets them quickly check their social media platforms. If anyone uses more than 10 MB, they are charged $1 for the next 600 MB. Emirates is now planning to introduce unlimited free access to Wi-Fi for its travellers. Tim Clark, President Emirates Airline, says &ldquoIt is a fact that our customers want onboard connectivity, and this demand is only going to increase as more people embrace an &lsquoalways-on&rsquo digital lifestyle, and carry smart mobile devices when they travel. We&rsquove always viewed Wi-Fi as a service and a value-added part of Emirates&rsquo overall product, rather than a revenue stream.&rdquo

Outlook Traveller