Did You Know That Only These 3 People Can Travel Anywhere Without A Passport

When travelling abroad, forgetting to carry our passports would have us in panic instantly. However, three people all over the world don't need one while embarking on a journey across their borders
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Tickets Check. Passport Doble check. While packing until the last minute, our attention is exclusively reserved for ensuring we have our passports. But this doesn't hold true for all. All over the world, three people are exempt from carrying their passports, no matter where their travels take them. They are Japan's Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako and UK's King Charles III. Earlier, Queen Elizabeth II also held this distinct privilege. 

Unlike King Charles III, other members of the British monarchy are not allowed this freedom. What sets the reigning monarch apart is a document issued in their name, stating, "His Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State requests and requires in the name of His Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary."

This document only applies to the reigning King or Queen and doesn't levy for those who may be directly related via marriage or kinship. Therefore, even Queen Consort Camilla is required to use a diplomatic passport when travelling abroad. 

In the case of Japan's royalty, a ministry document from May 10, 1971, reads about the unsuitability of the Emperor and Empress to hold a passport and the inappropriateness of undergoing immigration and visa procedures like ordinary citizens. Similar to the UK, this rule doesn't apply to other members of the Imperial family. Even the crown prince and princess are required to hold a diplomatic passport. 

How Does It Work 

If you are baffled at how it works, the process involves high-level coordination between the country's representatives from where they depart and arrive. Upon arrival, Japan's Emperor and Empress must produce the ministry document. Moreover, the Ministry of Japan notifies the country of arrival in advance. In King Charles III's case, his private secretary Sir Clive Alderton handles it all and has been their trusted advisor since 2006. 

While, unlike the Emperor and Empress of Japan, other citizens of the country may need a passport, they are still the most privileged travellers as they have visa-free access to 193 countries. Whereas in India, despite being one of the largest economies in the world, citizens have visa-free access to only 59 destinations. Most recently, Kazakhstan sanctioned Indians to be able to travel to the country without a visa. 

Cover photo credits Depositphotos

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