Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Kazakhstan Next

With stunning landscapes and rich culture, Kazakhstan is a melting pot of fantastic and unique experiences. Moreover, this dreamy destination it is budget-friendly and visa-free for Indian travellers
Kazakhstan is a popular skiing destination
Kazakhstan is a popular skiing destination
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Despite its sheer scale and beauty, Kazakhstan often gets overlooked by tourists. However, its natural beauty, from mountains to salt pans, stunning lakes, gorges, and rich woods, makes it a worthwhile spot. That's not even all. If you like to indulge in history and culture, Kazakhstan holds enough and more of that in the narrow lanes crisscrossing old cities. What's more Indians don't require a visa to travel to Kazakhstan. Here are the top five reasons why you should definitely put the pin on Kazakhstan when thinking of a fitting destination for your next holiday. 

Stunning Lakes And Mountains

Due to its landscape, many lakes add to the charm of this country. These tranquil lakes will compel you to sit back and immerse yourself in nature's beauty. Do visit Lake Kaindy, located 250 km from Almaty in Saty, for its beauty and uniqueness. Reaching the lake requires you to embark on a 12 km hike from Saty, but it's absolutely worth it once you reach there. 

On the lake's surface, strange wooden pillars of dried inverted tree limbs protrude from the water while the remaining tree sections stay submerged in water. This was caused by an earthquake, which induced a landslip. Due to the temperature of the water, both the limbs and the leaves died but were perfectly preserved in their original state. The lake's turquoise crystal clear water, which provides a view of the buried forest, enhances its allure.  

Besides lakes, Kazakhstan is famed for its snowy peaks&ndashso much so that it can be considered a perfect budget-friendly alternative to the Swiss Alps. The Tien Shan and Altai Mountains are unquestionably popular among climbers, mountaineers, and outdoor enthusiasts. Around 30 minutes from the city of Almaty is the Shymbulak Resort, considered world-famous for skiing.

Experience Dunes That Sing

Nestled within Altyn Emel National Park, an intriguing geological wonder awaits&ndashthe singing dunes. Despite scientists being unable to offer a definitive explanation for this peculiar phenomenon, local legends and folklore have woven their tales around these mystical dunes. Whatever the cause may be, the experience of the dunes singing is a rare encounter, hardly replicated by dunes elsewhere in the world.

After a rewarding hike to the dune's summit and savouring the breathtaking view, the next adventure begins as you gently slide down its slopes. To your astonishment, not only do you hear a deep rumbling sound, but you also feel the vibrations coursing through the sand. If you slide in a group, the intensity of the sound multiplies, resembling the hum of a low-flying aeroplane, echoing around the area for several minutes, adding to the enchantment of the experience.

Cultural Capital Astana

With modern architecture, historical museums, a shining nightlife and a bustling city centre, the capital city Astana is the perfect place for visitors to understand the arts, culture and city life of the people of Kazakhstan. Visit the Pyramid of Peace and Reconciliation, created by world-renowned architect Norman Foster, which also holds congresses for leaders of world religions. Astana also has a number of museums that cater to a wide range of interests, like the Nur Alem Museum of Future Energy, The National Space Center, the Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the National Museum of Kazakhstan. You must also visit the magnificent Astana Grand Mosque, the largest in Central Asia and one of the largest in the world. 

Live Like The Nomads In Yurts

Have a once-in-a-lifetime camping experience living like the Kazakh nomads in yurts. The yurt is one of the oldest and greatest inventions of portable lodging ever devised. The inside of the dome-like structure is composed of animal skin or felt, while the outside is coated with a waterproof canvas. There are also tourist-oriented ethnic villages with yurts that are outfitted with modern amenities for a comfortable stay. These accommodations are more luxurious than a nomadic yurt yet provide a true experience. Traditional handicrafts, handwoven carpets, wood carvings, embroideries, leather handiworks, and metal adorn these yurts. 

Relish Central Asian Cuisine

Kazakh cuisine is another attraction of Kazakhstan, apart from its dreamy landscapes and cities. Since it mostly has low temperatures, the cuisine is mainly non-vegetarian. Nonetheless, Kazakhstan's capital may surprise you with its diverse food. Most dishes on this country's platters have a distinct spice flavour combined with Asian and European undertones. Beshbarmak, commonly considered the main course, is a must-try dish. Beshbarmak means "five fingers" in Arabic because nomads customarily consumed it with their hands. Also, try Kurt, which is a traditional dish from Kazakhstan. This cheesy dish is made with goat, cow, sheep, or camel milk. It first appeared in Kazakhstan during the Middle Ages and quickly became a staple of Kazakhstan cuisine. Also, have Chak-Chak&ndasha traditional dessert from Tatarstan (a republic in Russia). This sweet dessert dish uses flour, eggs, butter, milk, and honey.

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