Visit famous attractions in the early hours to avoid crowds
Visit famous attractions in the early hours to avoid crowds Shutterstock

Tips And Tricks: Things To Know Before Going On A Bali Trip

By keeping these tips and tricks in mind, you will be well-prepared to navigate the island's nuances and make the most of your time at this destination

Bali, the famed Island of the Gods, is a tropical paradise that offers a harmonious blend of stunning landscapes, rich cultural experiences, and a laid-back lifestyle. Whether you're a seasoned traveller or embarking on your first Bali trip, here are some valuable tips and tricks to consider before setting foot on this stunning Indonesian island.

Learn Your Way Through Crowds

During peak season, Bali is a popular tourist destination, making finding secluded areas challenging. However, if you seek solitude, you can head to the central mountains or Bali's less crowded north and west coasts. Getting up early to watch the sunrise at famous attractions like Tegalalang Rice Terraces is also an excellent way to avoid crowds. You can enjoy the stunning views before the place gets too busy and finish exploring before it gets too hot. Bali may not be an untouched paradise, but with a little effort, you can still find peaceful corners to enjoy.

Dress Appropriately And Choose A Strategic Base

People praying at Ubud, Bali
People praying at Ubud, BaliShutterstock

When planning a trip to Bali, it's important to carefully consider your accommodation due to the busy traffic and hot weather. It's advisable to stay close to your hotel or guesthouse and avoid long walks or stuffy taxis. If you're looking for a peaceful getaway, there may be better options than Kuta, a beach and resort area in the south of the island of Bali. However, spending a week at Nusa Lembongan, an island located southeast of Bali, could be a great choice if you're interested in shopping and trying new cuisines. It's important to note that many high-end bars, restaurants, and clubs have dress codes, so it's best to call ahead if you need clarification.

Bali is also a religious island home to many old temples, so don't be surprised if streets are blocked for ceremonies or if your driver stops mid-trip to make a blessing. If your travel dates coincide with Nyepi, a public holiday in Indonesia, be aware that everything in Bali (including the airport) will be closed for the day. When visiting temples and sacred sites, it's essential to dress modestly by covering your shoulders and knees and behaving appropriately.

Be Cautious Of Wild And Stray Animals

A monkey on a woman in Bali
A monkey on a woman in BaliShutterstock

Bali boasts diverse fauna, including snakes, lizards, monkeys, and cats, dogs, turtles, and various birds. However, it is important to exercise caution around wild and stray animals due to the potential risk of diseases. If you are interested in helping, the Bali Dog Refuge accepts donations to support the rescue and rehabilitation of stray dogs.

Keep Bali Belly At Bay

"Traveller's diarrhoea," commonly referred to as Bali Belly, is caused by consuming contaminated food or water. Symptoms include watery diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, bloating, and tummy cramps. The duration of this illness typically lasts between one and five days. Avoid local liquor arak, consume street food with caution, and stay hydrated. Despite the risk of encountering contaminated food, taking these precautions can keep the unpleasant symptoms of this illness at bay.

Sustainable And Responsible Travelling

Sustainable bungalows are a good stay option in Bali
Sustainable bungalows are a good stay option in BaliShutterstock

Bali is a destination that values sustainable tourism and eco-travel. The government and locals work together to maintain a pristine environment with minimal carbon footprint from tourism. To enhance your experience, it is recommended to explore the vibrant surroundings by cycling. Opt for freshly picked ingredients for your meals, bring reusable items, avoid plastic bottles, and support local businesses when shopping or lodging.

Learn Local Lingo

The proverb "When in Rome, do as the Romans do," highlights the significance of respecting host cultures. Learning a few essential words and phrases of Bahasa Indonesia can be very helpful. You can easily pick up the basics of the language online. Start with simple phrases like "selamat pagi" (good morning), "tolong" (please), and "terima kasih" (thank you).

Outlook Traveller