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Indian Responsible Tourism
State summit & Awards 2023



27 september, 2023

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The Indian Responsible Tourism Awards (IRTA) have recognised and applauded champions of ethical travel across the country since 2016. We are a UNWTO affiliate member and we have on board the Global Sustainable Travel Council as our knowledge partner. Over the years, we have garnered 50 million+ page views and built a community of 5,000+ members. We have partnered with 20+ states and positively impacted 3,500+ stakeholders through our outreach and upskilling programs. We have celebrated the journeys of 109 winners across various categories.

The Indian Responsible Tourism Awards – National and State – are known for their formidable line-up of judges, and a thorough and transparent judging process. The judging process is both intensive and rigorous, spearheaded by a jury of industry experts from India, who are familiar with the country’s unique set of challenges, and international experts, who bring to the table their knowledge of global best practices.


An alternative imagination of travel… One that is gentle on the earth, and truly invested in the well-being of local communities.


To build, inspire, support and amplify the voices of a vast network of responsible tourism stakeholders across the 28 states and 8 union territories of India.

IRTSA meghalaya

For nearly a decade, the Outlook Group has been hosting India's first and only Responsible Tourism Awards to celebrate and support the champions of people- and planet-friendly travel. Last year, we decided to go further… We made a commitment to reach out to every last district in our country, and include more people in our tribe! Small business owners, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and anyone else who believes – like we do – in an alternative imagination of travel.

And now, for our very first State Awards in the North East, we are incredibly excited to announce that we’ve joined hands with the Government of Meghalaya to host the Indian Responsible Tourism State Summit & Awards 2023 in their beautiful state. The 'Abode of Clouds' is more accessible today than ever before, and yet, it has so many stories untold… We’re coming to tell you those stories! We’re coming to recognise all the people who are quietly carrying the torch of responsible tourism forward in the state… Come celebrate Meghalaya with us on this World Tourism Day!

IRTsA meghalaya

  • Shillong

  • 27 september

  • 10 am onwards

Award Categories

Sustainable leadership

B&Bs & guesthouses
travel Enterprises

Sustainable experiences


Sustainability Champions

Grassroots Heroes Grassroots Heroes
Cultural Ambassasors

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Event Agenda

  • 10:00 - 10:30
    Registrations, Tea/Coffee and Networking
  • 10:30 - 11:00
    Opening ceremony and presentation by the Outlook Group
  • 10:00 - 10:30
    Registrations, Tea/Coffee and Networking
  • 10:00 - 10:30
    Sustainable homestays
    running a homestay: Responsible, Cost-effective, Practical Ideas
    Weaving in Experiences for Guests
    Managing Expectations & Conflicts
  • 12:00 - 13:00
    responsible travel operators
    creating micro-local experiences for all seasons
    working with the local communities
    communication & taking responsibility for the destination
  • 13:00 - 14:00
    Lunch and networking
  • 14:00 - 14:10
    cultural performance
  • 14:10 - 14:20
    address by the honourable chief minister of meghalaya
  • 14:20 - 14:30
    address by the honourable tourism minister of meghalaya
  • 14:30 - 16:30
    the indian responsible tourism state awards: meghalaya
  • 16:30 - 16:40
    group photograph and vote of thanks
  • *The tentative agenda may be subjected to change.

Magnificent Meghalaya

How can one not feel welcome in a state where every celebration begins with a thanksgiving dance, Noh k jot, and visitors are greeted by a stone carving — two hands embracing a stone — in a a living woodcraft museum (village). Amidst the canyons, mist-covered hills, waterfalls and clear-bottomed rivers live some of the most heartwarming smiles and welcoming arms, who will share with you generations-old folklore about the living root bridges, music from the traditional Dama drums, and bottomless bowls of Jadoh and Pumaloi. Come, experience the magic of magnificent Meghalaya!



Desmond L Kharmawphlang

Professor, Cultural & Creative Studies,
North-Eastern Hill University

Malika Virdi

Founder-Director, Himalayan Ark,
Munsiari & Former Sarpanch,
Sarmoli-Jainti Van Panchayat

Aditi Chanchani

Chair, Global Sustainable Tourism Council
India Working Group

Larsing Ming Sawyan

Managing Director,
Centre Point Group Enterprise, Shillong

Dr Benjamin F Lyngdoh

Associate Professor,
Tourism & Hotel Management,
North-Eastern Hill University

Denis P Rayen

Promoter, Cherrapunjee Holiday Resort