10 Things To Keep In Mind For A Monsoon Road Trip

OT Staff

Vehicle Maintenance

Before hitting the road, ensure your vehicle is thoroughly serviced, focusing on brakes, tyres, and windshield wipers. Regular maintenance checks can prevent unexpected breakdowns and ensure your car handles well in wet and slippery conditions, enhancing your safety during the trip.

Milford Road, Te Anau, New Zealand | Unsplash

Road Conditions

Research and stay updated on the latest road conditions, including potential closures due to heavy rainfall or landslides. Use reliable sources like local news and weather apps. Avoid routes known for frequent flooding or poor maintenance to ensure a smoother and safer journey.

Kulamavu, Kerala, India | Unsplash

Emergency Kit

Carry a comprehensive emergency kit with a first-aid box, a flashlight with extra batteries, basic repair tools, a spare tyre, and a fully charged mobile power bank. Being prepared for unexpected situations can make a significant difference in handling emergencies effectively.

Road leading to Leh, India | Unsplash


Ensure all vehicle lights and indicators are fully functional and clean. Use your headlights in heavy rain to improve visibility for yourself and other drivers. Clear visibility is crucial for safe driving in monsoon conditions, reducing the risk of accidents.

Novokuznetsk, Russia | Unsplash

Driving Speed

Adopt a slower driving speed than usual to maintain control over your vehicle. Wet roads reduce traction, making sudden manoeuvres more dangerous. Keeping a moderate speed helps ensure you can stop safely if needed, especially on slippery surfaces.

California, United States | Unsplash

Aquaplaning Awareness

Understand the risks of aquaplaning on waterlogged roads. If your vehicle starts to aquaplane, avoid sudden braking or steering. Instead, gently lift your foot off the accelerator and steer steadily. This technique helps you regain control without causing a skid.

A highway going side by side of a sea | Pixabay

Tyre Condition

Regularly check your tyre treads and pressure to ensure they provide optimal grip on wet surfaces. Replace any worn-out tyres to reduce the risk of skidding. Properly maintained tyres are crucial for safe driving during the monsoon season.

A car drive in monsoon conditions | Unsplash

Windshield Wipers

Inspect and replace old or ineffective windshield wipers. Efficient wipers ensure clear visibility during heavy downpours, which is essential for safe driving. Clean windows and mirrors also contribute to better visibility, reducing the likelihood of accidents.

A car goes on a scenic road trip | Pixabay

Rain Gear

Pack raincoats, umbrellas, and waterproof footwear to stay dry during stops. Staying dry keeps you comfortable and reduces the risk of falling sick, which is particularly important during a long road trip. Being prepared for the weather enhances your overall travel experience.

A car goes on a road with clouds coming on the way | Pixabay

Rest Stops

Plan frequent rest stops to avoid fatigue and to check the vehicle’s condition regularly. Resting helps maintain alertness, reducing the risks associated with tired driving. Use these stops to stretch, hydrate, and ensure your vehicle performs well.

A car on a trip takes a pitstop | Unsplash

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